Sonntag, 4. Dezember 2011

This rocks! Bat's video lectures

The last days were very busy and I did not have a lot of time to solve problems, read books or play online. Especially because I was kind of tired in the evenings and just did not have the motivation to add another two hours of concentration to my already overly full schedule. But: While lazily browsing forums, blogs, google etc. I discovered this link:

This YouTube side offers tons of lectures by Bat - a guy I do not know much about. But: He has the gift to talk about Go in a way that makes it impossible for me to watch and NOT understand. Even when I'm exhausted from work. The is audience is between 15 kyu and 1 dan+ and all seem to benefit from the lectures. So, follow the link, pick a topic and enjoy ;)

Bat also has a live stream channel:

2 Kommentare:

  1. hi is a battousai on KGS. and yes, it's a great channel :)

    btw. check out — another Go-lessons (lectures by shygost)
